Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oh the places you'll go!

New Orleans has been good to us. This summer you could definitely say this has NOT been reality for me. Waking up, having time to cook breakfast, pandora blasted while at the gym, and rest of my day is spent either snuggled up on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars (new obsession) or hanging with all the fun wives out here! Needless to say, it has been a LONG vacation for me. Tyler is continuing to work hard and we are grateful for another successful summer. Anywho, my mother flew me in for a surprise to make it to me nephews FIRST birthday... I cried...a lot. Following that, my little bro came in for six days and we had a blast together from going to the zoo, eating beignets, and visiting the WWII museum! I also cried when he left, but he told me to "Nut up n' shut up". LOL! As for now, I am almost 22 (in a few days) , and my grandparents are coming into town and we are headed to FLORIDA! Well that is all for now folks! Here are some pictures of our adventures thus far this summer!

Audobon Zoo. I LOVE pink flamingos.
Cajun Encounters
Hm. Passed out before the party even started lol
His umbrella broke lol 

Amazing museum. Left so humbled. Proud to be an American.
River walks
Sat. night out. Good restaraunt!
My little bro Chris at the Zoo

Housing here is incredible to me

What would Nolans be without these?!

An awesome street entertainer here in Nolans
So coincidental that she was in Utah the 24 hrs I was there. She is just what I needed.
Momma, Me, Grandma. Don't know what I'd do without these women.
Auntie KK's visit home. Missed her bug so much!
This baby boy is already 1. Time flies.
View from our gym. Lucky right?
The Circus! Ty Ty's very first time going!
4th of July. 
Rainy day in the city.
Honestly, don't know what I would do if I didn't skype with her every day.

The "infamous" beignets that have made us 5 lbs. heavier.
Live Jazz every night.