Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Part 3: February 14, 2016

February 14th, 2016 was like any typical day. It was Valentine's day. Tyler and I had just woken up and we watched t.v. for a few minutes. Kooper was especially active that morning. I had just hit 24 weeks the day before and feeling and watching him grow and kick and turn was so exciting. "TYLER LOOK! CAN YOU SEE AND FEEL THAT?" This morning was Tyler's first of ever feeling Kooper move. "Oh buddy, momma just wishes you were here already, but no worries I will be patient", I said aloud as I got up and got ready for church. 
After church, Tyler and I took about an hour nap and woke up about 1:30 pm. As I woke I was feeling these sharp pains below and through my back. They were manageable for about 15-20 minutes. I called the on-call doctor at AF hospital and he suggested I come in, but I insisted that I was going to try a hot shower and see if the pain eases. As most of you can guess, that didn't work either. By this time, I was crawling out of the shower on my hands and knees yelling for Tyler to get me some clothes and we needed to go to the hospital. I had realized I was experiencing contractions that lasted about 15-20 seconds and were about 4-5 minutes a part. 
Almost to the AF hospital, my contractions were about 1-2 minutes a part and all I felt like doing was pushing. Tyler dropped me off at the door and he went to park the car. When I walked through the doors of Labor and Delivery, the receptionist looked at me puzzled as I was just holding my stomach telling her I needed help and didn't know what was going on. She got me to a room right away and told me to change into one of those fancy hospital gowns. I can remember putting it on and then telling the first nurse that walked in that I just felt I need to "go to the bathroom". I won't lie, I was screaming "Help me please! Something is happening!" I can remember feeling so helpless and scared in those few minutes of being there. Two other nurses came in and one got me on the bed to quickly examine me. "Sweetheart, you are exactly where you need to be. I need you to breathe for me. You are fully dialated. The baby is on it's way". She screamed for Dr. Thomas to come in and that is when about 25 people came rushing in, hooking me up to monitors, putting in IV's, and getting me ready for an Emergency C-section. 
Meanwhile, Tyler was downstairs still filling out paper work and signing me in when the receptionist gets a phone call and then tells Tyler he needs to get up there right away. Tyler walked in the room with a shocked look on his face and the doctor says, "Sir I need you to change, we are delivering your baby today". Tyler looked at me quickly, kissed my forehead and told me everything would be ok and off he went to change. I held onto those four words for the next hour with everything that I had. "Everything will be ok". 
Next part was all really a blur. I started going in and out of shock. Nurses, Doctors, respiratory aids, all asking me questions as they are wheeling me into the operating room. Bright lights and coldness is what I remember best about this room. As they wheeled me in, I was still having terrible contractions. My body wanting to push, but me remembering I couldn't and just breathe through it all. But the one thought that kept running through my mind, was the dreadful thought and wonder, "Is my baby going to make it?" Little did I know, a doctor was telling Tyler that he would have to soon make a decision in whether he wanted his little guy to live or not. 
They transferred me onto the operating table and quickly gave me an epidural. Curtain came up, two doctors starting the c-section and one nurse to the right of me and Tyler to my left. They had so many questions that needed to be answered. Who my doctor was. Where did I live. What was my full name. I can remember being in shock unable to answer with tears streaming down the side of my face. Thankfully, Tyler could answer these questions for me though. 
"He is almost here honey, they almost have him out", Tyler said to me as he was stroking my head. "Tyler how will he make it? What did I do to cause this? What have I done?" as I cried just staring at him for answers. With a firm yet confident look and tears in his eyes, he said "Katie. I love you, he will make it. We will make it. Everything will be ok. Trust in me ok. I promise". 
In a blink of eye, he was out. Tyler glanced over and assured me he saw him and they were taking care of him. Kooper Lee Weight. Born 1 lb. 8 oz., 13 inches long @ 4:44 pm. Stripped from me so quickly and fighting the very first second he made his entrance. I didn't even know at that moment what I felt. If I am being completely honest, I was so scared to look and didn't want to. I just couldn't bare the thought and sight that I may be looking at my baby who may or may not make it. 
Sure enough, within a matter of minutes, they wheeled him over to me. I can remember the light flight nurse saying I had little time, but that I could touch his little head. He was so incredibly beautiful to me. With my hand through the incubator touching his head with only 3 fingers I said, "I love you sweet boy. Hang in there. I will see you soon. Don't give up ok. I love you". And he was life flighted to Provo and I remained at AF for the next two days.

Welcome baby boy!

"Don't give up 

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